Effective March 2025
Ripley Power and Light’s customers enjoy some of the lowest electric rates in the country.
We buy our electricity from the Tennessee Valley Authority, which has a history of providing lower-cost electric power. The purchase of electricity, in fact, is a large amount of Ripley Power and Light’s electric cost. About 82 cents of every dollar paid by our customers for electricity is used to purchase energy from TVA.
Ripley Power and Light also offers a variety of commercial/industrial rate structures and incentives for industry and other large electric users.
Electric Rates
The charts below should be used to determine customer class and for estimations only. Once customer class is determined, a detailed rate schedule can be provided.
Customer Class | Type of Charge | Retail Rates ($) |
GSA1 Less than 51 KW |
Customer | 36.77 |
First 1500 kWh | 0.13195 |
Over 1500 kWh | 0.11375 |
Customer Class | Type of Charge | Retail Rates ($) |
GSA2 51-1000 KW |
Customer | 146.99 |
First 50 kW | 2.04 |
Over 50 kW | 22.78 |
First 15000 kWh | 0.11562 |
Over 15000 kWh | 0.07337 |
Customer Class | Type of Charge | Retail Rates ($) |
GSA3 1001-5000 KW |
Customer | 500.00 |
First 1000 kW | 27.16 |
Over 1000 kW | 11.62 |
All kWh | 0.07732 |
Customer Class | Type of Charge | Retail Rates ($) |
Customer | 1,650.00 |
Administrative Fee | 350.00 |
Transition On Peak kW | 10.99 |
Transition Off Peak kW | 7.65 |
Transition Off Peak Excess of Contract kW | 10.99 |
On Peak kWh | 0.10157 |
Off Peak kWh: First 200 HUD | 0.08481 |
Off Peak kWh: Next 200 HUD | 0.03483 |
Off Peak kWh: Additional HUD | 0.03150 |
Customer Class | Type of Charge | Retail Rates ($) |
Customer | 1,650.00 |
Administrative Fee | 350.00 |
Transition On Peak kW | 10.19 |
Transition Off Peak kW | 5.82 |
Transition Off Peak Excess of Contract kW | 10.19 |
On Peak kW | 0.07837 |
Off Peak kWh: First 200 HUD | 0.06588 |
Off Peak kWh: Next 200 HUD | 0.03328 |
Off Peak kWh: Additional HUD | 0.03047 |
Customer Class | Type of Charge | Retail Rates ($) |
TOU MSB 5,001-15,000 kW |
Customer | 1,650.00 |
Administrative Fee | 350.00 |
Transition On Peak kW | 10.19 |
Transition Off Peak Peak kW | 4.37 |
Transition Off Peak Excess of Contract kW | 10.19 |
On Peak kWh | 0.07690 |
Off Peak kWh - First 200 HUD | 0.06440 |
Off Peak kWh - Next 200 HUD | 0.02930 |
Off Peak kWh - Additional HUD | 0.02649 |
Customer Class | Type of Charge | Retail Rates ($) |
Lighting | All kWh | 0.09280 |
Facilities Rental
General Power - over 5,000 kW 46 kV to 161 kV delivery-per kW 0.36 Less than 46 kV Delivery - per kW |
First 10,000 kW | 0.93 |
Over 10,000 kW | 0.73 |
Small Mfg. Credit for GSA3 customers | |
0-1000 kW | 1.38 |
1001-5000 kW | 1.63 |
kWh | 0.0054 |
Enhanced Growth Credit Program
The Enhanced Growth Credit Program is available as an economic development incentive. It provides credit on power bills to qualifying companies that locate or expand in the Ripley Power and Light service area. In today’s competitive climate, the program offers significant economic advantages.
A business qualifies if it belongs to one of the following SIC codes or meets the All Electric criteria and meets kilowatt demand requirements.
SIC codes
- Mining: 10 through 14
- Manufacturing: 20 through 39
- Bulk Transportation: 40, 42, 44 and 45
All Electric
- All electric HVAC system, and
- At least 50% of the interior floor space must be heated or cooled by the HVAC, and
- At least 50% of the electric load is for interior lighting, cooking and the HVAC system
Minimum Added Load Requirements
- New and expanding firm power demand
- SIC qualifier: 100 kW
- All Electric qualifiers: 250 kW
Credit Options
- Eight-Year Declining Option: The monthly credit for the first 12-consecutive-month period will be $6 per kW. The credit is reduced by $0.75 per 12-month period for seven additional years. The eight-year period begins with the first month in which the customer meets the minimum added load requirements. Thereafter, credit is applied any month in which power usage reached the minimum added kW requirements.
- Four-Year Flat Option: The monthly credit for a four-year period, beginning with the date the first credit is received, is equal to $6 per kW. The credit is applied in any month in which power usage reaches the minimum added kW requirements.