Information on your bill will help you track your utility usage over time. You can compare your current use with the amount you used a month ago and a year ago. If you need help understanding how to read your bill, click here. You will find several options to pay your bill here.
Your utility usage will vary each month for several reasons:
- The number of days in the billing period.
- Changes in the weather.
- The number of people in your home.
Other charges on your bill could include:
- The cost to lease a security light from Ripley Power and Light.
- Payments for an energy-efficient heat pump if you are financing the purchase through Ripley Power and Light.
Waiting for your monthly electric bill?
Ripley Power and Light meters are read on the first day of each month. Bills are ready around the fifth day of the month and then mailed.
Customers who signed up for e-statements will get their bill in an email that day. To sign up for e-statements, visit our E-Statement page.