Pay your bill anytime day or night at our kiosks
Ripley Power and Light offers 24-hour, secure, bill payment through kiosks that are located in the drive-thru lanes at both our Ripley and Halls offices.

The kiosks, which can be used by monthly billing customers or prepaid customers, accept several types of credit cards, as well as cash.
Cash will need to be in even amounts, such as $1, $5 or $20; the kiosk will not give change. Any extra money, however, will be applied to your account.
Monthly billing customers can scan the barcode on the back of their bill or enter the account number to access their account. (Be sure to include the hyphen in the account number, for example, 123456-123456.)
Prepaid customers receive a customized key tag to swipe to access the account or enter the account number; again, be sure to include the hyphen.
The kiosks also have the capability to accept payments for other companies. Businesses interested in using the kiosks can contact Mike Allmand at 731-635-2323 or