Energy-Efficient Electric Heat Pumps Save You Money

Your heating system has the most impact on your utility bill each winter. An energy-efficient electric heat pump—the most economical way to heat and cool your home in West Tennessee’s climate—can save you up to 40% in heating costs, depending on your current heat source.
Ripley Power and Light offers low-interest financing for your heat pump purchase. You can pay for your heat pump on your monthly utility bill with no money down. You have up to 10 years to repay with no prepayment penalty.
Tennessee Valley Authority also offers rebates for heat pump purchases. Learn more at
Heat pumps are becoming more popular because of their lower heating and cooling costs and because they are better for the environment.
A heat pump’s performance is rated by its SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio). The higher the SEER, the higher the efficiency of the heat pump and the lower the cost to operate it.
To get Ripley Power and Light’s financing, you must buy your heat pump through a member of our Quality Contractor Network to ensure that you get the correct-sized heat pump for your home’s heating and cooling needs and that it is installed correctly.
Learn more under here.