‘It’s just much, much better’
High-Speed Fiber Internet Arrives in Halls

It didn’t take long for Rob and Rhonda Harris to become converts about the new high-speed fiber internet service in Halls.
In fact, it took less than a minute.
Just before the installation was complete, Harris did an internet speed test with his old service. The results: 24.9 megabits per second download; 1.84 megabits per second upload.
Then he tested the speed after the final connection was made to the new service from Ripley Power and Light Company in partnership with Aeneas Internet and Telephone. His new internet speeds were 10 times higher: 240 megabits per second download. 88 megabits upload.
And that was the lowest tier speed offered by Aeneas, he said. He is even paying less, getting no more buffering when they watch streaming TV and faster uploads and downloads on their phones and computers.
Judy Terry, Executive Vice President and Cashier at the Bank of Halls is another convert. “I did the speed test after the installation and put it on Facebook. I was bragging about it. We’ve told everybody to sign up for the new service.”
“Signups for the new fiber internet service is going very well,” said Kami Wright, Ripley Power and Light Halls Office Manager. “We are signing up people every day.”
Halls residents who want the high-speed, fiber-based internet service can sign up at fiber.aeneas.com. By typing in your address, you’ll find out if the new service is available at your location. If you have questions, you can call Aeneas at 731-554-9200 or the Power and Light Halls Office at 731-836-7595 or drop by the Halls office, 509 S. Church St.
Ripley Power and Light owns the fiber network and leases it to Aeneas, which is initially offering telephone and tiered, internet services with up to speeds of 1 gig.
Ripley Power and Light has explored ways to bring fiber broadband to all customers, said Mike Allmand, President and CEO of Ripley Power and Light. The decision was made to start a pilot project in Halls, Allmand said. The Town of Halls has applied for a grant to pay for a part of the buildout. Customer response in Halls and funding options will help determine if the fiber network will expand beyond Halls to other Power and Light customers, he added.
Meanwhile, both Terry and Harris said the installation technician was friendly and knowledgeable.
Terry is still getting her television through a satellite company because she must finish out a contract, but she is enjoying the better internet speeds on her phone and computer. Her grandson also enjoys the new internet for playing games.
“The internet we had before was certainly subpair,” said Harris, who works at Hurt Seed Company. His wife is a Halls Alderwoman, and they found out about the new service when Allmand offered the internet solution at a Halls City Council meeting. “I appreciate that Allmand had that kind of vision,” Harris said.
The Harris family has cancelled their satellite TV service and their old internet, which was costing $227 a month, he said. They now pay YouTube $75 a month to stream their favorite TV channels and Aeneas $59 monthly for fiber internet.
“It’s great,” Harris said. “It’s just much, much better.”