Ripley Power and Light’s outage management system immediately knows the location of your home if you’ve taken the time to provide phone numbers of everyone living in your home.

To make sure we have all of the phone numbers in your household, visit under the Report an Outage tab or call 731-635-2323.

Next, save our number—888-655-1841—in your cellphone. You can call or text that number if you have an outage.


You can also text us to report an outage.
• To opt-in, text #RIPLEY to 888-655-1841.
• You’ll receive a message that begins, “Welcome to Ripley Power and Light’s text msg service …”

The next time you have an outage, text #OUT to 888-655-1841.

Ripley Power and Light’s outage management system knows your location, and we’ll immediately begin our efforts to locate the cause of the outage and restore your power.


If you opt-in to text Ripley Power and Light, you will be included in our text alerts. Ripley Power and Light can text you when issues arise or new technology is implemented.

For example, several months ago, we upgraded our server. For several hours after the office closed that day, you couldn’t use the website. We would have alerted you through text if you had opted in.

Staying informed is a great reason to give us all of the phone numbers in your household and to opt-in to our text messaging system.