Coloring Contest Highlights Value of Public Electric Power
Public Power Week, held annually in early October, celebrates the more than 12,000 community-owned, not-for-profit electric utilities in the United States. Public utilities, including Ripley Power and Light, provide electric power to the homes and businesses of 49 million Americans.
Public Power Week is sponsored by the American Public Power Association to increase awareness of the benefits of public power, including reliability, affordability and community ownership.
As part of its power week celebration, Ripley Power and Light sponsors a Public Power Coloring Contest for kindergarten through sixth grade students. Each winner receives a $50 Visa gift card.
This year’s winners are Chase McKee, first grade, Ripley Primary; Aubrey Childress, second grade, Halls Elementary; Harper Harden, second grade, Ripley Primary; William Howell, third grade, Halls Elementary; Tilly DiMartino, fourth grade, homeschooled; and Kynlee Haynes, fifth grade, homeschooled.
Contact Ripley Power and Light in late September for entry forms and the grade-level coloring sheets for the October 2025 contest.